短语of course的意思及用法

短语of course的意思及用法

‘Of course.’ This is such a useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry  when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid. That’s no good! You don’t want to get it wrong, but don’t worry. In this video you’ll learn how to use it correctly.

“Of course.”是一个非常实用的英语短语,但是要非常小心使用才行。如果你错误的使用了这个短语,人们可能会错误的认为你在生气而实际上你并没有,或者人们会认为你在觉得他们很傻。这样就不好了!你不想错误地使用这个短语,不用担心,本节课程会教你如何正确使用它。

‘Of course’ is a dangerous phrase because it can be polite or it can be rude. Let’s start by looking at some polite ways to use it.

“Of course”是一个非常危险的短语,因为它有时可以被认为非常礼貌而有时却恰恰相反。我们先来看看一些礼貌使用的情况吧。

- Are you coming to my party on Saturday?你周六要来我的聚会吗?

- Yes, of course! I’m looking forward to it. Erm… I was wondering. Can I bring a friend?当然,我非常想去。呃,我在想我能不能带个朋友?

- Yes, of course. Please do.当然,当然可以。请你带上吧。

- Thank you.谢谢。

‘Of course’ is polite and friendly here. It’s like definitely, certainly. It emphasizes that what we’re saying is true or correct. Of course I’m going to Geri’s party because I REALLY want to go. And Geri will be VERY happy if I bring a friend. When we’re saying yes, ‘of course’ can add emphasis.

像上面这种情况,“Of course”是礼貌和友好的。它就跟definitely, certainly(肯定地)是一样的。它强调我们所说的是真实的或正确的。我当然要去参加盖里的聚会,因为我真的很想去。如果我带一个朋友来,盖里会很高兴的。当我们说yes,“of course”时,yes可以增加强调。

The most common way we use ‘of course’ is to reply to requests.

我们使用“of course”的最常见方式是回复请求。

- I’m going to lunch.我要去吃午饭。

- Oh, can I come too?哦,我可以也跟着去吗?

- Yes, of course.当然可以。

‘Of course’ means ‘please do – you’re very welcome. ' OK, here’s another way to use ‘of course’ politely.

“Of course”的意思是“请你这么做吧,你这么做是很好的。”这里还有另一种使用“of course”是礼貌的用法。

- Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. OK. Good-bye. We’ve lost a customer.哦。听到这个消息我很难过。好的。再见。我们失去了一个客户。

- Oh.哦。

- I tried my best.我已经尽力了。

- Of course you did.你当然尽力了。

- I did everything I could.我做了我所有能做的。

- Of course, I know you did. Don’t worry about it.当然,我知道你尽力了。不要再想它了。

I’m sympathetic and ‘of course’ is a polite way to agree with what he said.

我表示同情并且of course在这里是一种表达同意他所说的话的一种礼貌表达。

Now is ‘of course’ always polite? No. So what’s an impolite way to use ‘of course’? Let’s look at one.

那么,“of course”一直都是礼貌的表达吗?那么什么情况下说“of course”是不礼貌的呢?我们来看一个例子。

- Do you need some help?需要帮忙吗?

- Of course I do!当然需要!

Jay is criticizing me here. He’s complaining that I wasn’t helping. If he had asked for help though, it could be different.


- Vicki, can you help?薇琪,你能帮一下忙吗?

- Yes, of course.当然可以。

- Thank you.谢谢。

Of course is polite here and we’re both happy. So what’s going on?

Of course在这里又是礼貌的了,并且我们两个对话都很愉悦,所以是怎么回事呢?

Sometimes ‘of course’ is polite and sometimes it’s not. Well, to understand this, you need to know what ‘of course’ really means.

有时,“of course”是一个礼貌的表达,而有时并不是。为了让你明白为什么不礼貌,你需要知道“of course”的潜台词。

- Double word score. Ha ha. We’re playing scrabble today. I love scrabble.双字得分。哈哈。我们今天在玩拼字游戏。我喜欢拼字游戏。

- Vicki’s winning, of course.薇姬赢了,当然地。

- By fifty points.凭借50分。

- She always wins.她总是赢。

So what does ‘of course’ mean? It means obviously.I’m really good at scrabble so of course I’m going to win. It’s obvious.

那么“of course”是什么意思?它的意思是“明显地”。这意味着,我真的很会拼字,所以我当然会赢。很明显。

If something is obvious – easy to see or understand – we can say ‘of course’. And that’s why we often use ‘of course’ when we say ‘yes’ to requests.

如果某事是明显的-容易看到或理解的-我们可以说“of course”。这就是为什么我们经常用“of course”来表示我们对请求的同意。

- My battery’s flat. Can I use your phone?我手机没电了。我能用你的吗?

- Yes, of course.是的,当然可以。

- Thank you.谢谢。

- You're welcome.不客气。

Of course means the answer is obvious. You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say ‘of course’.

Of course意味着答案是显而易见的。你知道我想帮忙。就这么办吧。所以当人们问我们要什么的时候,我们通常会说“of course”。

Now that was a request, but what about offers? When someone offers us something, can we say ‘of course’? Let’s see.

上面说到的是“请求”,那如果是提议呢?当有人提供给我们一些东西时,我们可以说,“of course”吗?我们来看下面这个例子。

- Do you want some more water?你想再来点水吗?

- Of course.当然。

Of course isn’t polite here. If an answer is obvious you should know it already.

在这里“of course”是不礼貌的。如果答案是显而易见的,你应该早就知道了。

Of course I want some more water. Why are you asking? Are you an idiot?


‘Of course’ means he thinks I’m stupid. That’s not nice. So what’s the polite way to respond to an offer?

“Of course”的意思是他认为我很傻。这样非常不友好。那么这句话礼貌的回应方式是什么呢?

- Do you want some more water?你要再来点水吗?

- Yes, please.是的,谢谢。

A simple yes. That’s what you need. Just say ‘yes’ without ‘of course’. Let’s look at another example. Suppose I ask you about the weather.

一个简单的“是”就是你需要。只要说“yes”就行了,不用说“of course”。让我们看另一个例子。假设我问你关于天气的情况。

- What’s the forecast? Is it going to rain?天气预报怎么说?要下雨么?

- Yes, of course.是的,当然。

Of course is strange here. It could be a rude because it implies ‘Why are you asking me this? You should already know the answer.’ Here’s a better response.

“Of course”在这里非常奇怪。这么使用非常粗鲁因为它暗示“为什么你要问我?你早就应该知道答案了。”这里有一个更好的回答方式。

- What’s the forecast? Is it going to rain?天气预报怎么说?要下雨么?

- Yes, it is.是的。

If someone asks a question and they don’t know the answer, say a simple yes.


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